by Issac Soren
With the many different climates and landscapes in such a small geographical area it is no wonder that Large Film production companies seek the Hawaiian islands as a back drop in their films.
Having recently taken a tour of Oahu with my friend visiting from Oregon, I had to say that the Hawaiian islands have a lot in store for visitor and resident.
I grew up in the center of the island of Oahu, the same Island that features Honolulu (State Capital city) and touristy city Waikiki. Admittingly having not ventured to far from my home town while growing up my version of Hawaii was a tropical humid climate with lush green vegetation where ever you looked and just as much rain as you got sun.
Little did I know that even just a ten minute drive in either direction away from my town you would experience slight change in weather conditions. The degrees would rise especially because I live in the hills and so going away meant dropping to sea level with flat plains that provide no protection from the hot sun, no mountains for the clouds to gather to bring in the morning showers.
With the many different climates and landscapes in such a small geographical area it is no wonder that Large Film production companies seek the islands as a back drop in their films.
With such films like Hawaii-five-0, Magnum P.I., MTV's Real World and currently ABC's Lost under the belt many producers attribute the islands vast array of looks to the luring of a movie set.
If you didn’t know maybe I should tell you that Hawaii has provided such backdrops to movies portraying places like Korea, Iraq, China, Japan, London, any tropical island and even New York city.
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